Some of these materials are one time purchases, I have noted which ones are. Almost everything can be purchased at your local drug store, Staples, Office Depot, etc... in the materials list, each item links to inexpensive web stores for purchasing, places like amazon and ebay are also great outlets to purchase items for even cheaper but I just recommend heading down to grab all these items in person.
Once your initial purchases have been made, each unit (case only) will cost roughly $1.50
(1 time purchase) Ruler: approx $1.89
(1 time purchase) Razor blade (xacto or similar) approx $3.99
Poster board (for insert cards) approx $5.99 for 10 pack (good deal!!!)
Elmers Rubber Cement approx $2.49 for 4oz jar
Template (as .png)
Template (as photoshop .psd)
One you have your materials drop your album artwork into one of the templates using either Photoshop or go to the links section and download Gimp, it's free and gets the job done
*Tip: Click Here To Go To The Links Section
Here is an example of what your artwork should look like before and after:
CD DIGIPACK Insert Tray: Approx $0.20 - $0.30 per tray (prices vary) I get mine from Square Deal Recordings (make sure you purchase Digipack trays)
Download either:
Printing! Ok I do my printing through Imprints (link on contact/links page), they are local here in San Diego on the UCSD campus and only charge me $0.89 for full color on 11 1/2" by 17" I realize that they only serve students and faculty. But with that being said, I've contacted several local print shops who all have prices in the same range. So contact and support your local print shops.
(c) Solidarity-DIY 2014
To begin cut out your cd case from the template. Cut on dashed lines only. There is an optional cut out for a CD booklet. If you wish to have this style for your cd booklet or poster to go in, then cut the optional dashed line out now too. If not then continue on.
Next cut out two insert cards from our poster board. The insert cards will be the same height and width dimensions as the CD Tray panel.
Now fold the Inside panel to the Front cover panel, making sure the artwork is on the outside and use the rubber cement and glue the insert cards behind the Front Cover panel, repeat the same process for the back cover.Glue these panels to the FRONT COVER AND BACK COVER sides, not the Inside panel and Cd tray sides.
Fold the Back Cover to the CD Tray (Make sure artwork is on the outside). And glue the panels together.
Now you have a decision to make. There's three normal styles that I generally use. 1) Using the optional cut from earlier. 2) Only gluing down the kick off panel that says "Fold". 3) Gluing the whole thing down and not including a place for booklet or poster. If you decided on the first option then only glue the top of the optional cut, the sides, and the fold. Do not glue the bottom of the optional cut. If you chose option 2 then simply fold the kick of panel and only glue that tab. And if you chose 3 then screw the kick off fold, cut it off, and glue the whole thing down. I find option 2 to be the easiest.
Whichever option you choose go ahead and fold the Front Cover panel to the Inside Panel and glue according to your chosen style.
Place a book on top of the whole thing, let it dry for a few minutes, and in the meantime start another case. You will get good at this and be able to pump them out fast and efficiently.
Now that its dried for about 10 minutes, glue down the tabs of the of the cd tray and place it accordingly on the CD Tray panel.
Last Step: take your razor blade and lightly score where the spine is (on the inside of the case) All you are trying to do is give the paper a little bend so the edges do not rip. Pizza cutters work great as do, obviously, a paper scorer. Bend the crease for the front cover and do the same for the back cover. Fold it how its supposed to go and place a book on the whole thing and let it dry again.
*Tip: When gluing, make sure there is a good amount of glue, enough to cover the whole area's. If some seeps out the sides, it is easy enough to wipe off or wait until it dries and it rubs off easy enough
* Tip: When using option 1 glue the panel like this:
(Option 1 Gluing)
PRINT ON 80lb Gloss Cover Paper 11" x 17" approx: $0.89 for full color or $0.12 for black and white